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Pop Base: Shooting occurs at Trump Rally

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(Associated Press)

Saturday afternoon saw one of the most chaotic political events in recent history unravel on social media as news broke of a shooting at Former President Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania. The incident, which took place, at around 6PM EST, left two dead — including the shooter — and the candidate injured.

The footage that first made waves online saw the Former President ducking as several consecutive popping sounds and screaming can be heard, all while the Secret Service rushes to huddle around the Presidential candidate. Soon after, higher-quality images from Associated Press showed blood running down Trump’s ear and onto his right cheek, confirming an injury. The former President was seen riling up his supporters at the rally with his signature fist in the air as he was rushed off the stage and into a vehicle to be escorted to a nearby hospital.

At approximately 7:40PM EST, NBC News confirmed the shooter was killed on-site by the Secret Service. No further information on the shooter’s identity has been released at this time.

Reuters reported that the incident was being treated as an “assassination attempt” by the U.S. Secret Service. President Biden, on the other hand, seemed to not want to jump the gun on labeling it as such — stating “I have an opinion but I don’t have any facts. I want to make sure we have all the facts before I make anymore comments.”

(NBC News)

The President added that he hopes to “get ahold of Donald” and will update the nation when he does.

Following the outpouring of support messages from political figures like Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, and President Biden himself, Donald Trump broke his silence on his platform Truth Social — stating that he was, in fact, shot at: “I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so l realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!”

(Donald Trump via Truth Social)

As the investigation continues to develop, the Trump campaign has announced he will still be attending the RNC (Republican National Convention) in Milwaukee which will take place next week from July 15th to July 18th — where Trump is believed to be unveiling his pick for Vice President.